Hall of Heroes

The Heroes of Old.

Mint a hero:

These are the Heroes of Old. The brave warriors who came long before any other adventurers would find their quest. They offered to aid the kingdom and for this we honor their support here in the Hall of Heroes!

The Hall of Heroes was the first project on RPGChain to experiment with assigning RPG attributes, randomized details, and selectable classes to an NFT collection. Hall of Heroes NFT owners are given first access to RPGChain features.

The contract for these ERC721 tokens was deployed to the Ethereum mainnet. Only 256 heroes can be minted, and each will have a unique name from a selectable list. Along with a name, heroes will follow similar traits found in tabletop-gaming like race (Human, Dwarf, Elf), class (Wizard, Fighter, Ranger), along with ability scores (STR, DEX, CON, WIS, INT, CHA)

These 256 heroes will be the revered adventurers of the past, and while they won't likely be playable characters in quests they will have certain benefits throughout the span of RPGChain.

How to get an RPGChain Hero

To mint a new hero, visit https://rpgchain.com/heroes and select a name from the remaining list of names.

Select the remaining attributes being sure that the total stat score of your attributes is 60, and click "Mint New Hero". Additionally clicking the dice button will randomize all the details again, allowing you to test out new combinations. The price per mint is 0.05 ETH.



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